its been rather boring here lately, all im doing is counting down the days till summer. and trying to plan stuff to do in summer, holidays, camping with the bradford boys, obviously nationals too, just because their fun, most of my friends go to them, and i always seem to have fun. maybe this year it will be even better if i ride well. MAYBE! is the key word ;)
lately, all iv seem to do is pay out, i got paid for a couple of jobs iv been doing and all of that money (which was for nationals/bmx stuff/holidays/new clothes) went on my lovely car. sometimes i wonder why i actually bother with a car, most of my college mates have them, fair enough, but none of my close mates have them really, so why should i? anyone want a 1.2 punto? haha. no, im kidding i wouldnt actually dare get rid, i can do as i please and when i want to.
HARTLEPOOL SUNDAY! couldnt actually say anything was wrong with hartlepool, cause for me, its best track in the north, altho i havent riden crew yet so we might have a new one soon ;) altho, 6 straights downhill, im not gonna complain at all. was good to see oggy in the mix, obviously with his knee hes been not quite his quick self, but this weekend, we might have a new bradford number 1 ;) my performance at hartlepool, wasnt shocking, neither was it great, my gates sometimes felt good, but earlier in the week i pulled something in my left leg, leaving my second pedal even worse than before.
i dont know what else to say really. see you all soon in 2 weeks at coppul?
anddddddddd il update more if owt good happens. never know, all this oggy talk might result in a sticker deal? ;) dont get unless you ask. im sure he would happily punch me at this minute by his last update though. also. WAN-KING. bradford misses you.
peace and love.
a snails world.
Monday, 16 March 2009
Monday, 2 February 2009

snow days :) gotta say i needed them off, and it cant come at a better time, chilling in front of the tv watching jeremy kyle, brew in hand. OH YEH :)
recent events, DC's surprise leaving do, gotta say, good luck in america brother! wish you the best luck you big ginger! the beer was flowing, the people and music were good. theres more to write about but i shouldnt ;) twarn ;) one event which was good was terrys argueing with the bouncer, he was ready to go, got everyones coats, then forgot to get the people, funny guy! the bouncer wouldnt let him back in, lines like " i dont even wanna go back in there mate your clubs shit" haha. funny guy.
the seshion next day was mega cold, and i only having an hours kip wasnt really feeling the cold. maybe if it was sunny like in america! but no. good night though defently.
lastely i havent been training at all or even really rode my bike, been too busy working hard and just not getting around to it, i have been re-learning gates though when i have rode thanks to ;) watch out 19+ and masters for oggy and his clips! haha.
i promise to update this more, promise, il tell you how leeds goes this weekend, see if im actually able to ride my bike. haha peace and love x
Friday, 2 January 2009
festive season..
ok, its been christmas, and new year, i wish everyone a happy new year and all that, i hope santa braught you what you wanted. i really do, even if it is better that the stuff i got. really. i do. haha ;) im messing about, i wish my hero a happy new year, his new year sounded ace, doorman on a salsa dance. YES PLEASE!
my christmas day, family day in, was chilled, me dad and mum had a few beers and watched some of the stuff we got given and then upto my uncles on boxing day, who can outsmart anyone on science, i think we have the same argument every year over asbestos. asbestos for if you dont know is what plumbers used to use for lagging pipes, which only turned out to kill everyone who worked in the factory to make it from lung cancer about 20 years down the line. what a lovely argument. but i wouldnt do it any different, cause its my family.
new years was mental! my friends cant organise anything to save there life soooo to beehive we went, which was packed! and some good bands and djs were on. pretty much had a lovely hangover which is always nice!
new years revolutions, i dont think i made any hard ones, train more, ride more, just have more fun on my bike and stuff, really easy said, but when its freezing its kinda hard to keep to them. but oh wel, i can only try my best.
MY CAR, yehhh hasnt been the best time, the night i locked my keys in the car, got a flat tyre and engine started playing up, some fucker bent the door back, they didnt get in, and nothing was worth nicking, nothing was even in there at all. so why the fuck? i dont get it, but yeh, car went into get sorted, just waiting for the bill and gotta pass its mot overwise, i might have togive in, smart car, i get an amazing deal on one, but still dont want one, could you imagine me in one? id look like a right dick i rekon, no offense to whoever has one, but i dont like them one bit, 70mph and cant even fit my bike in. whats the point? but yehhh, my car will pass, cause it has to basically.
thats all from liam snoozle. peace and lovee y'alll. x
this video is what i would love to go on one year. looks well amazing. sun, tracks, france. yehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
my christmas day, family day in, was chilled, me dad and mum had a few beers and watched some of the stuff we got given and then upto my uncles on boxing day, who can outsmart anyone on science, i think we have the same argument every year over asbestos. asbestos for if you dont know is what plumbers used to use for lagging pipes, which only turned out to kill everyone who worked in the factory to make it from lung cancer about 20 years down the line. what a lovely argument. but i wouldnt do it any different, cause its my family.
new years was mental! my friends cant organise anything to save there life soooo to beehive we went, which was packed! and some good bands and djs were on. pretty much had a lovely hangover which is always nice!
new years revolutions, i dont think i made any hard ones, train more, ride more, just have more fun on my bike and stuff, really easy said, but when its freezing its kinda hard to keep to them. but oh wel, i can only try my best.
MY CAR, yehhh hasnt been the best time, the night i locked my keys in the car, got a flat tyre and engine started playing up, some fucker bent the door back, they didnt get in, and nothing was worth nicking, nothing was even in there at all. so why the fuck? i dont get it, but yeh, car went into get sorted, just waiting for the bill and gotta pass its mot overwise, i might have togive in, smart car, i get an amazing deal on one, but still dont want one, could you imagine me in one? id look like a right dick i rekon, no offense to whoever has one, but i dont like them one bit, 70mph and cant even fit my bike in. whats the point? but yehhh, my car will pass, cause it has to basically.
thats all from liam snoozle. peace and lovee y'alll. x
this video is what i would love to go on one year. looks well amazing. sun, tracks, france. yehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Monday, 22 December 2008

i finally got around to this. i know its been a while, and alot has happened. mainly me working out my budget is very small when it comes to january. which really sucks. basically. my MOT and Insurance are both due around the 20th of jan. and after christmas, i know im gonna be skint, cause thats just what happens.
Talking about cars, today i did the worst thing a person can do, LOCK YOUR KEYS IN YOUR CAR, put them down in the boot, my dad gave me his set of keys for the van, put them in my pocket, just as i was closing boot, checking i had keys in the pocket, i did, but the wrong ones. SLAM. bang. closed. FUCKED! not a happy snazel or big DJ SNAZEL, we did manage to get them out, but i wont tell you how. AND then did my days work, came out to the car to go home, already nakered, FLAT TYRE, wasnt happy, spent 10 mins changing that bad boy over and then snailed it home, NIGHTMARE.

BMX'ing on sunday, was good to see oggy cheerful, he was snapping and pulling (so it seemed) until a yowth by the name of jack hall killed him off, then oggy disapeared. ;) seemed alot of people who came thought the track had potential. and it does, we need to change the pro straight to something that is actually jumpable and faster than the ryhthme/roller straight? im sure billy fieldhouse could take his beloved tractor and get the job done in a day ;) just like how bradfords old track was done in what? 3 days? haha and it just as good as the one now i rekon ;). calum didnt race, he begged to go to mine for xbox playing, but i was like. NO i wanna race. why? why even bother trying in motos if your just gonna get done over. THAT RULE HAS NEVER APPLIED TO ANY OTHER RACE IV BEEN TO.
anyways, some b-day wishes id like to catch up on, kirsty cummins, OJ (only joking OJ) and of course. EDDIE SWALES. the one. the only.
PIECE and LOVE. MERRY Christmas and happy new year and all that x
Wednesday, 10 December 2008
so yeah....
its been a while, and i know, i should have loads of time on my hands, but i dont, im a working man you know, too much work work work then train train train. i wish. i wish i could train hard enough to even contend with anyone who is remotely fast, im dredding 19+, properly, one of my all time favourite riders. my dan clifford is a regular A finalist, but even he doesnt win them, and he squats like 100kgs ;)
bmx news. what is a bmx? i havent riden in so long i think i might of forgotten, hopefully gonna get out this saturday morning as its been snowing for time, and i bet the track has half washed away. ace. quality build. the last time i rode was with the goldcoast crew, and oj. the legend that he is, i was feeling it from the night before, and wasnt really on it. kyle and the jacob crew popped down too, kyle was launching the first one on the pro set, first lap. mega impressed, if only anyone or anything could jump the second one and third one, sounds like a job for antony tuffs if you ask me.
Other news, christmas arround the corner, and i know i should be excited, but im not, 1st of january is when my car insurance, car tax and mot are all due. What was i thinking last year to get them all on the same week. WHY, and yeh, christmas dosent get cheaper the older you get. i remember when it was free, haha, oh wel, apart of becoming more self reliant for money i guess.
love and peace!!!!!!! 2009, cant wait. also happy birth to elise, shes old.

Other news, christmas arround the corner, and i know i should be excited, but im not, 1st of january is when my car insurance, car tax and mot are all due. What was i thinking last year to get them all on the same week. WHY, and yeh, christmas dosent get cheaper the older you get. i remember when it was free, haha, oh wel, apart of becoming more self reliant for money i guess.
love and peace!!!!!!! 2009, cant wait. also happy birth to elise, shes old.
Tuesday, 25 November 2008
just for the fans.

"NEVER STOP FALLING. cause if you do, your not trying hard enough" wise words, from billy fieldhouse himself. i was aged 14, and you'd think i would of learnt by now, but nope, still falling like a idiot every other race, i didnt even really make it over first jump at manchester, not cool really. typical, i would come out the worst, i have a pimp limp, but no i havent fooked my knee thank god, its slowly getting better, i might even be able to drive tonight without pain.
lets move on, the weather, what an ace subject i have choosen, well it is actually, due to it been so cold, and today while at work doing nothing, i was thinking, who's upping there game this winter? wan? dc? cal? oggy? well whoever is doing sprints in this weather is mad and too dedicated, its all gym work baby, warmth, fit girls and oh yeh. WARMTH! oggy update, hes out for six months, and thats pretty lame for me, im now bradfords number 1, and as cool as i think i am, im no where near good enough for that title. wan update. he got a job, what more do you need?
the story behind the picture today is, stuart hasnt stopped working at costa for ages, and hes ace at it, im converted, starbucks is whack. ALSO, good news, terry is coming up, im excited, WAX:ON this saturday, which is gonna be good, everyone should come.
hopefully will ride sometime in the future too, iv been thinking about bohehills lately, no idea why, probally cause its the best track iv been to ever. ;)
love and piece and all that shiz x
Saturday, 8 November 2008
ok so its been a while.
im sorry okay, but iv had a busy week. finishing work late, seeing friends, which is fine by me, its what iv needed lately, and then theres bonfire night. what a rubish year, nothing good went down, after 18 years of fireworks, there somehow boring, only good ones are now entertaining to watch, you get me? but i did go to coppul bonfire, and it was fun
bike news, should of had my new parts by now, but alans lovingly didnt tell me they didnt have anything in stock. so off to customriders i went!!!!! and they hooked me straight up. should have parts monday or tuesday, then build it back up, might even ride it if its nice one day.
training news, since iv been ill with my stomach bug thing, which seems to have calmed down so doc gave me ok to start training, back to the gym to pay my £30 a month and try and go as much as i can, which should be easy, as iv got nothing really planned for time. only work. which is LAME!!!!
dont know what else to moan about really, i wrote like 3 draft blogs, but i cant post them, i was very annoid when writing them. piece and love. someone buy me a new helmet x
bike news, should of had my new parts by now, but alans lovingly didnt tell me they didnt have anything in stock. so off to customriders i went!!!!! and they hooked me straight up. should have parts monday or tuesday, then build it back up, might even ride it if its nice one day.
training news, since iv been ill with my stomach bug thing, which seems to have calmed down so doc gave me ok to start training, back to the gym to pay my £30 a month and try and go as much as i can, which should be easy, as iv got nothing really planned for time. only work. which is LAME!!!!
dont know what else to moan about really, i wrote like 3 draft blogs, but i cant post them, i was very annoid when writing them. piece and love. someone buy me a new helmet x
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