ok, so last saturday and sunday was press-ton national, il start off, over two days? seemed odd, but since i didnt get much sleep friday night, and wasnt in the best shape, this was actually an advantage to me. race two motos and have a good night and be fresh for sunday, did it work out
this way? noooooooooooooooooooooooo never does haha. il start off with cruiser, cause i did alright in that for once, moto one, 3rd, i like it already, moto 2, toughy, 5th after josh decided that going left off the track into the fence near a hot chick was the best idea, cheers josh. and moto 3, errrrr anyone say, pressure? me and twarn on 8 points each, whoever won out of us two gets to final, boommmmmmmmm snazel with the snap, in about 3rd, watching more athletic people cruise past him, then twarn, and wan-king, then 3rd straight caught up, last turn, BOOMMMMwide and undercut, cutting twarn off and drag race with wan and popey to finish 4th or something and squeeze into the final. final was shocking, i had a good gate but due to my sqeeze into the final, i had lane 8, which sucks, couldnt move over on ryan and that was that, wan didnt finish the lap, he actually bairly started it, unlucky wan, next year? neither did issit (hope your alright bud) he went down hard on that triple double step up thing at end of second straight. i finished 6th. BMX, juniour men, im totally outta shape and yeh, i did shit, i got a good gate in a moto, then was shut down by "pull em all" farran, cheers bud. Semi final, something happened into the first berm, including a very pissed off greg holloway, he makes me laugh does that lad, and daniel thorne, couple of lads seemed to fall aswell, i thought i was in 4th following popey and shipley into the final, turns out, i was 5th hahaha. oh wel. B-Best for me and with it, a 4th or 5th, either way, i wasnt arsed, my legs were killing.

one for the ladies, billy luckhurst, eat your heart out, and love his single digit finish in juniour men. oh and thats my top.
ok this one as its pretty good, from right, charley "im ace" checking out the pimp himself russ hanlon, next is poor victim emily, next is the big daddy pimp himself russ hanlon, who has become my favourite rider to watch, 360 anyone? next his son, josh, who i get the pleasure of racing, anyone say podium in your first year in cruiser? and national wins? anyone? can you? big things in his future.
yehhhhhhhh, i look foward to getting down and dirty in the gym this winter, maybe even riding my bike when its sunny and leeds track is calling, i dont think bradford will be calling my name anytime soon, but thats another story. and coming back to 19+ and cruiser to finally beat wan on it, hes good on a safety cycle you know.
piece and love x
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